if yes , this initiative for small investors with 1 lakh of investment,can join more details mail me aus1981@outlook.com.
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Disclaimer: The information provided herein is my opinion only. Under any circumstances do any statement here represent a recommendation to buy or sell, nor do i make any claims or promises for profits. You are responsible for your own action.consult with your financial adviser before taking any action
Year | Year Interest | Total Interest | Balance |
1 | 30,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 130,000.00 |
2 | 39,000.00 | 69,000.00 | 169,000.00 |
3 | 50,700.00 | 119,700.00 | 219,700.00 |
4 | 65,910.00 | 185,610.00 | 285,610.00 |
5 | 85,683.00 | 271,293.00 | 371,293.00 |
6 | 111,387.90 | 382,680.90 | 482,680.90 |
7 | 144,804.27 | 527,485.17 | 627,485.17 |
8 | 188,245.55 | 715,730.72 | 815,730.72 |
9 | 244,719.22 | 960,449.94 | 1,060,449.94 |
10 | 318,134.98 | 1,278,584.92 | 1,378,584.92 |